After a day of rest, The Choir resumed its grueling yet rewarding schedule tonight with our first of three recording sessions for the St. John Passion. We were delighted to meet Martha de Francisco, our producer for this session, and she guided us through the process of recording the opening chorus, several turba choruses and a few chorales. Martha was very kind, and very thorough, and I think I’ve unsuspectingly been enjoying her work for some time, as she’s recorded some of my favorite artists. Yesterday, in a marathon session, Charles Daniels recorded all of his recitatives (in a heroic four hours!), and he has now returned to London to begin another project. I hope he’ll be back soon – it was an amazing experience to sing with him.
More of the same is on tap for tomorrow night as The Choir delves deeper into the St. John. All of this detailed work will doubtless put another level of polish on the performance, so Friday evening’s audience has much to look forward to, and members of the Bach Choir Family can look forward to an exciting and beautiful recording of this wonderful music!
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