Concerts, Covid and Comfort

CLICK HERE to become a Guarantor or pay your current pledge

The support of our Guarantors provides the Choir with an important base of funding for the needs of our volunteer choir, our performances and community programs. We simply could not offer nor sustain the Choir and offer the quality of programming that we do without our wonderful family of Guarantors. Joining this group of supporters – some 500 strong from across the country and around the world – is an outstanding way to express your appreciation of the Choir and help fund it well into the future.

In addition to the satisfaction they take from sustaining the mission of The Bach Choir of Bethlehem, Guarantors enjoy a variety of special benefits, including:

  • Advance ticket sales
  • Advance notification about season events
  • Reserved Priority Seating throughout the Concert Season and at our annual Bethlehem Bach Festival performances
    •  A limited number of Priority Seats are available to Guarantors only for all Bach Choir concerts, including Christmas, Spring and Festival performances.   
  • Invitations to receptions and other events
  • Participation in the “Bach Buddy” program that offers 50% discount on tickets
  • Exclusive Bach Choir News mailing, seasonal discounts and more
  • Complimentary luncheon at the Bethlehem Bach Festival (membership levels apply)


"The knowledge that our organization’s financial affairs are being managed in a conservative and prudent manner is a comfort to anyone who makes a gift to The Bach Choir of Bethlehem."

—Anthony and Vickie Thompson, Bach Choir Guarantors

“They haven’t missed a Bach Festival for the past 25 years. When asked to comment on their favorite aspects of the Festival, Ginny is quick to reflect on the uplifting spiritual renewal she experiences at each concert, while Randall speaks with great reverence about the Mass in B Minor, which he says has the same powerful effect and 'feels fresh' each time he experiences it."

—Ginny and Randall Aires, Bach Choir Guarantors

"Margot lives by her faith and believes that discovering The Bach Choir was divine intervention. 'This opened a Pandora’s box of fond memories of a life which I had left behind years ago. In discovering The Bach Choir, I felt I was at home.'”

—Margot Teleki, Bach Choir Guarantor

Want to learn more? New to the program? Welcome!

Our Guarantor program was founded by our very first Bach Choir President, Charles Schwab. He was an enthusiastic benefactor of the arts who encouraged others to join him and ultimately launched our flourishing community of support.  Because our ticket sales fund only a fraction of our expenses, our Guarantors help us support the artistic director and conductor’s programming each season and cover music and materials for our volunteer choir, who contribute more than 10,000 hours every year.

Your pledge will be maintained and invoiced annually, unless you make a change to the amount or exit the program.  We’ll send you your Guarantor number with your official acknowledgement and welcome letter!  

Guarantor Levels:

  • Bach Choir – $125 – $249
  • President – $250 – $499
  • Conductor – $500 – $749
  • Fred Wolle – $750 – $999
  • S. Bach – $1000 – $2499
  • Gloria – $2500 – $4999
  • Sanctus – $5000 or more

Associate Guarantors levels:

  • $50 – $120

New guarantors up to age 30 offer their support starting at the $50 level through $120 annually.  They enjoy some of the advantages of the Guarantor program and often continue and grow their support of the Choir over the years.

View New Guarantor Brochure

“It brings me great pleasure to see and read about the impact my Mom’s memorial fund has made on the local community. Her legacy leaves behind the most beautiful gift in the world – music education.”

—Carol Porter, second generation Guarantor

Currently a Guarantor? Thank you!

“My family has been part of The Choir for over 90 years. It has enriched our lives deeply.”

—Evie Rooney, Washington, D.C.

We appreciate your ongoing and generous support. It has helped us create a nationally recognized program that maintains a standard of excellence in musical performance and enables us to offer community outreach programs to young and old alike. Thank you for your enthusiasm and commitment to our music and our mission!

Would you consider an increase in your pledge? As you review your commitment to the Choir, please consider a small increase to your pledge. Every dollar helps us offset our ever-increasing costs. You may also reach a higher giving level, which also means more benefits to you!

For more information about our Guarantor program, please contact:

Cheryl Dungan
Development Director
610.866.4382 ext. 113

Guarantor News - Fall 2024

“Wild is the music of the autumnal winds amongst the faded woods.”


A Message to our Guarantors…

The autumn season is a blend of vibrant colors, crisp sounds, and earthy scents, heralding change while reflecting permanence to signal a time of contemplation, gratitude, and celebration on the horizon.

Because you care, we can share beautiful music to add to our common enjoyment of the season. Thank you for your one-time and annual gifts. Fulfilling your annual Guarantor pledge early in the season provides us with a base of support needed to cover upfront performance and costs for programs like Bach to School, Bach at Noon and the Bel Canto Youth Chorus. Thank you!

If you can consider making an additional gift or increasing your pledge, we would be very grateful. There are many ways to contribute, especially at this time of year. For example, contributions through your qualified IRA distribution, an IRA rollover, or appreciated stock may offer you tax advantages.

Cheryl Dungan, Development Director

We hope that you have enjoyed reading about our 2024-2025 season and have made your plans to attend concerts.

We want to remind you about these important deadlines:

  • November 13, 2024Early Bird Discount for Festival Concert Tickets
  • December 4, 2024Guarantor Priority Seating
  • December 30, 2024Deadline to receive Guarantor pledges and end-of-year donations for the 2024 tax year.


We’d love to hear from you! Have a suggestion, comment or question? Contact us at or

Always consult with your financial specialist to determine the best way to support the choir and achieve your goals.