Office | Concert Volunteers and Internships

Share your time and talent


The Bach Choir of Bethlehem welcomes members of the community to join our “family” and assist us with any number of events and activities throughout the season.

Hospitality Committee:
Our Hospitality Committee supports the Bach Choir staff’s efforts to ensure that our friends and patrons have the best possible experience at Bach Choir events!

Bach Choir friends and Choir alumni can help make our guests feel welcomed by serving in a number of ways:

  • Bethlehem Bach Festival: Be present under the Hospitality Tent and to greet patrons, provide directions, answer questions about the Festival and the Choir, etc.
  • Provide on-site assistance to our patrons at all events and concerts as needed
  • Help with our special events and social receptions (planning, set-up, greeting, etc.)
  • Share your ideas to help us develop new and interesting social opportunities

Please contact Cheryl Dungan, Development Officer at 610.866.4382 ext. 113 or

House Staff: Attend one or more of our concerts throughout the Season for free!

Concerts: Our ushers attend performances and assist with seating and program distribution, helping to ensure that our audience members have an enjoyable experience.

  • Choose the concerts that fit your schedule, including our Bach at Noon performances, Festival concerts and events and others throughout the year in Bethlehem and Allentown.
  • House Staff typically reports about one hour prior to the start of the concert, and helps collect any programs (or other items) left behind at the end of the performance.
  • Based on seating availability, attendance at each performance is “comped” and House Staff enjoys it at no cost.

Office Assistance: Help Bach Choir staff prepare mailings or promotional materials, file paperwork and programs or perform other clerical tasks.

Please contact Ebony Stevens, Marketing Director at 610.866.4382 ext. 115 or

We welcome you to call the office and discuss ways you may be able to share your time and talent with us!  Fill out the online form below or download and print the form.

House Staff / Volunteers

List of volunteer opportunities at the Choir
  • Volunteer as an usher at our Christmas Concert, with performances in Allentown and Bethlehem. You may choose one or both concerts.
  • Please arrive no later than 11:15AM; doors open at 11:30AM. Some seats reserved for guests of the Board or the Staff; additionally, school groups attending the concerts require reserved rows. Tasks include greeting the audience members and distributing programs at each door, managing the free will offering baskets and canvas bags at the conclusion of each performance; retrieving programs / paperwork from pews.
  • Please arrive no later than 11:15AM; doors open at 11:30AM. Some seats reserved for guests of the Board or the Staff; additionally, school groups attending the concerts require reserved rows. Tasks include greeting the audience members and distributing programs at each door, managing the free will offering baskets and canvas bags at the conclusion of each performance; retrieving programs / paperwork from pews.
  • Zoellner Arts Center staff will seat the audience at the Ifor Jones Chamber Music Concert at 10:30 am. Please check if you would like a complimentary ticket.
  • Zoellner Arts Center staff will seat the audience at the Ifor Jones Chamber Music Concert at 10:30 am. Please check if you would like a complimentary ticket.
  • Assist Development Officer with receptions for patrons, held at selected concerts throughout the season. Duties vary but may include one or more of the following: Picking up catering trays from venues and delivering to reception location; Setting up food & drink at receptions; Tidying up following the reception.
  • Our office hours are typically from 8:30 to 4:30 pm. Any amount of time you are able to contribute is helpful!


College students interested in exploring internships with the Choir are encouraged to inquire about opportunities with us. Please contact contact  Leela Breithaupt, Executive Director at 610.866.4382 ext. 111 or