Category Archives: Uncategorized

Monday Evening Update

After a day of rest, The Choir resumed its grueling yet rewarding schedule tonight with our first of three recording sessions for the St. John Passion.  We were delighted to meet Martha de Francisco, our producer for this session, and she guided us through the process of recording the opening chorus, several turba choruses and a… Continue Reading »

Weekend One Wrap-Up (Updated)

It’s hard to know where to begin to describe the rewards of the past weekend of music-making, so I think I’ll offer a few reflections in chronological order.  If you’re in the area, and didn’t attend this past Friday’s Distinguished Scholar Lecture, I implore you to plan to attend Dr. Christoph Wolff’s brilliant lecture, entitled… Continue Reading »

Thursday Update

And on the Fourth Day, The Choir rested… We’ve also had some time to digest all of the gains experienced in three very intense days of rehearsal.  Last night’s gathering saw a dress rehearsal of sorts, as we sang through all the turba choruses and Charles Daniels offered most of the recitatives from the St.… Continue Reading »