Category Archives: Uncategorized

Christmas Concerts Wrap Up – Sunday Edition

I’ve spoken with an interesting cross-section of people involved in today’s concert, from performers to audience members, guarantors, first-time listeners, and seasoned audience members.  The unanimous conclusion (with which I heartily concur) was that our performances today and last night were something special, even among a group whose performances are frequently thus.  I learned this… Continue Reading »

Christmas Concerts Countdown

Monday Night Update, 12/3:  The Choir united with the Bel Canto Children’s Chorus for the first time for our last piano rehearsal on Britten’s St. Nicolas, before Friday’s orchestral dress rehearsal.  These kids are fierce!  Some of the singers are pictured above with their director, Dr. Joy Hirokawa, in the foreground.  As I’ve mentioned, Britten’s parts… Continue Reading »