Category Archives: Uncategorized

Festival Preview

[youtube] Over the next few weeks, I’ll be posting much more frequently about the repertoire for the 106th Bethlehem Bach Festival.  There is much beautiful music, wonderful fellowship, and stunning artistry on tap for this year’s Festival, as we celebrate 30 years of Greg Funfgeld’s visionary artistic leadership.  The schedule for the Festival follows:… Continue Reading »

A Chat with Morten Lauridsen

[youtube] I recently read Roger Ebert’s elegiac last review for the Chicago Sun Times.  It was a review of Terrance Malick’s To the Wonder, which I’m eager to see, but something Ebert said in the final paragraph really struck me: There will be many who find “To the Wonder” elusive and too effervescent. They’ll be… Continue Reading »

Bach at Noon Wrap-Up

We had very-full attendance for the last Bach at Noon of the season, and also our 60th.  We celebrated this milestone with extremely festive music, Bach’s Fifth Brandenburg Concerto, and the Easter cantata, No. 31. Greg, Liz Field, and Robin Kani played a concerto with much panache and elan – but also the whimsy required… Continue Reading »