Category Archives: Uncategorized

Festival Week Update

Brace yourself for a long, omnibus post.  It’s the week of the 109th Bethlehem Bach Festival, and things are coming together marvelously.  Follow this link to a complete schedule of the events. Rehearsal Update: We’ve had two evening choral/orchestral rehearsals, and things are really coming together.  The Choir has acquired a new acoustical shell, which… Continue Reading »

The Festival Countdown Begins!

One of my favorite architectural details of the Packer Memorial Church, with its soaring beamed ceilings, radiant stained glass, intricate tile floor,  and resonant acoustics is actually something tiny and almost whimsical – this fleur-de-lys, hidden in a corner adjacent the sacristy, leading to what is a sort of apse of which The Choir frequently makes use as… Continue Reading »