
Christopher Jackson

Dr. Jackson will lead The Bach Choir in its 125th Anniversary year, the 2022-2023 Season, following the retirement of Greg Funfgeld, Artistic Director and Conductor Emeritus. He begins his tenure having worked for 15 years as a conductor, educator, professional  singer, and scholar. Throughout his career he has led numerous collegiate, professional, and amateur ensembles… Continue Reading »

Leela Breithaupt

LEELA BREITHAUPT is Executive Director of The Bach Choir of Bethlehem. A dynamic nonprofit arts administrator, Leela combines her experience as internationally successful performer with skills in executive leadership. As President and CEO of IndyBaroque Music until 2021, Ms. Breithaupt built strong collaborative relationships with several choirs to present the music of J.S. Bach, including… Continue Reading »

Harold G. Black

Hal Black has been President of The Bach Choir since 2014 and a member of the Board of Managers since 2003. During his tenure, on the Board he has served as chair of the Guarantor Committee. Marketing Committee, the re-Imagining the Bach Festival Task Force, and co-chair of the 2013 Gala, as well as assistant… Continue Reading »