The Virtual Bethlehem Bach Festival was an enormous success! Thank you for joining us and sharing your enthusiasm for the music and our virtual outreach.
Our You Tube channel has two of our Festival concerts posted:
Click HERE to view 4 PM Chamber Music | Bach at 4
Click HERE to view the 7:30 PM Blessings & Benediction | Choir Concert
The music of Johann Sebastian Bach has been performed at the Bethlehem Bach Festival for more than 100 years. This year, we were thrilled to present a modified but no less enthusiastic program to a worldwide online audience through our Virtual Festival. Although we couldn’t be together, we hope that Bach’s eternal messages of comfort, faith, and peace touched you in a very special way.
Sherezade Panthaki, soprano, Meg Bragle, mezzo-soprano, Lawrence Jones, tenor and Dashon Burton, bass-baritone. The Barnette Distinguished Scholar Lecture from Leipzig’s Bach Archiv Director Peter Wollny, came to us from Germany.
Conducted by Greg Funfgeld, the Festival was produced according to COVID-19 protocol.
Ifor Jones Chamber Music Concert, with Artist-in-Residence Paul Taylor Dance Company presents the music of J.S. Bach. The concert opens with a welcome message and conversation between The Bach Choir’s Artistic Director and Conductor, Greg Funfgeld, and Michael Novak, Artistic Director of Paul Taylor Dance Company.
Bach Festival Premiere of Brandenburgs, Opus 88
Esplanade, Opus 61
J.S. Bach Flute Sonata, with Robin Kani, flute and Greg Funfgeld, keyboard
Blessings & Benediction The Bach Choir, Bach Festival Orchestra and guest soloists Sherezade Panthaki, Meg Bragle, Lawrence Jones and Dashon Burton.
Chorale from Cantata BWV 27 Welt, ade!
Cantata 120 Gott, man lobet dich in der Stille
Cantata 171 Gott, wie dein Name, so ist auch dein Ruhm
Cantata 12 Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen
Duet from Cantata 80 Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott
Cantata 191 Gloria in excelsis Deo